Please note the following deadlines and dates of interest in the 6th Collective Agreement [PDF]
September 15th:
- The Chair shall report, in writing, any needs for tenure track replacement or appointment to the Dean by September 15. (Article 2.1.1 Recruitment and Appointment Procedure:1.1 a))
- By September 1 the Academic Vice-President and Provost, as Chair of the Rank and Tenure Committee, will send a reminder to members of Faculty that those who are about to complete the prescribed minimum of years in the rank of Assistant Professor or of Associate Professor [see 2.2.1] and who wish to be considered for advancement in rank must apply in writing to the Chair of the Rank and Tenure Committee by September 15. (Article 2.1.5 Advancement in Rank:4.0)
- Early promotion to the rank of Professor may be sought by a Faculty member on meeting the requirements outlined in A Faculty member who seeks early consideration shall apply in writing to the Chair of the Rank and Tenure Committee by September 15. The application shall include a detailed rationale (maximum 500 words) for early consideration (Article 2.1.5 Advancement in Rank:4.0)
- A Faculty member is not eligible to apply for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor early except as outlined in their Letter of Appointment. Any other Faculty member seeking grant of tenure must apply, in writing, to the Academic Vice-President and Provost by September 15. A Faculty member may only be considered once for the granting of tenure. (Article 2.1.6 Academic Tenure:3.0)
- In each year that the performance of a Faculty member holding a Limited-Term appointment is to be reviewed, the Dean shall request by September 15 the Evaluation Committee of the Department or Program to which the Faculty member belongs to submit an evaluation of the individual [see]. (Article Evaluation of Faculty Members Holding Probationary or Limited-Term Appointments:3.0)
- External Referees –
- Candidates for promotion to the rank of Full Professor, or candidates who elect to have external referees for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, shall supply the names of a minimum of three possible external referees with rationale (500 words total) under separate cover with their application for advancement in rank to the Chair of the Rank and Tenure Committee by September 15th, with a copy to the relevant Dean and Chair of the Evaluation Committee. External referees must not be former supervisors, students or research collaborators of the candidate. The candidate may also indicate in their cover letter the names of any referees that cannot be used to review their application. (Article Evaluation of Faculty Members Seeking Advancement in Rank:6.1)
- The University Librarian shall report, in writing, such needs to the Academic Vice- President and Provost by September 15, with a summary provided to the librarians. (Article 3.1 Recruitment and Appointment Procedure:1.1)
- By September 1 the Academic Vice-President and Provost, as Chair of the Librarian Promotion and Assessment Committee, will send a reminder to Librarians that those who are about to complete the prescribed minimum of years in the rank of Librarian II or Librarian III [see 3.1.4] and who wish to be considered for advancement in rank must notify, in writing, the University Librarian of her/his intention to apply by September 15 and apply in writing to the Chair of the Librarian Promotion and Assessment Committee by November 1. (Article 3.1.5 Advancement in Rank:2.0)
- Any other Librarian seeking advancement in rank must apply, in writing, to the Chair of LPAC and notify, in writing, the University Librarian of their intention to apply by September 15. (Article 3.1.5 Advancement in Rank:3.0)
- Accelerated promotion may be sought by a Librarian on the grounds of exceptional professional competence and exceptional service to the University and the profession. A Librarian who seeks early consideration as an exceptional case shall notify, in writing, the University Librarian of her/his intention to apply by September 15. The application shall include a detailed rationale as to why early consideration is merited. A Librarian may apply for accelerated promotion only once for a given rank. (Article 3.1.5 Advancement in Rank:4.0)
- Any other LIbrarian seeking grant of a permanent appointment must apply, in writing, to the Chair of LPAC and notify the University Librarian, in writing, by September 15 of their intention. (Article 3.1.6 Advancement in Rank:3.0)
- In each year that the performance of a Librarian holding a Probationary Appointment is to be reviewed, The University Librarian shall request by September 15 that the Librarian Evaluation Committee to [sic] submit an evaluation of the individual. [see] (Article Evaluation of Librarians Holding a Probationary or Limited-Term Appointment:3.0)
- The CCD shall report, in writing, any needs for tenure track appointments to the Dean by September 15. The Dean shall respond to the request by November 15 and, if the decision does not follow the recommendation, the reasons for the decision. (Article 2.1.1 Recruitment and Appointment Procedure: 1.2)